As 25% of energy-related global greenhouse gas emissions come from transport, the United Nations has recognized the importance of sustainable transportation in tackling the climate crisis. More specifically, shared mobility and car sharing are essentials in the shift to a low-carbon economy.
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Shared and Sustainable mobility is a concept that we see increasingly developed among those who promote shared and efficient mobility in cities, with less pollution and clean transportation. Without a doubt, it is one of the main global trends in terms of the environmental awareness, together with the electrification of any type of transportation.
What does sustainable and shared mobility mean?
Sustainable mobility is about transporting or moving in such a way that the impact on the environment is as little as possible, or zero. This includes from public transportation to walking activity. We must be responsible, respectful, and aware of the impact it generates in our lives.
When we talk about shared, we refer, for example, to the Car Share and Carpool service models, which are probably the most efficient options for car use compared to private use. The sustainability effects of car sharing are often referred to the number of private cars that can be removed from the streets by sharing instead of owning.
In Car share, customers rent the vehicle through an application by the hour, either for a few hours or days (pay per use). They need to pick up and drop off the vehicle at the same station or at a different one. In general, they can pick up the vehicle on the street, which is known as a free floating, or in predefined places, called fixed stations or bases.
The Carpool, is the practice that consists of sharing a car with other people both for regular or specific trips.
Both services are designed for those clients who decided not to have a car exclusively for their daily use and are flexible in the way they can use a car, depending on their needs or lifestyle.
These services provide alternatives to traditional car ownership.
With sustainable and shared mobility, we could drastically reduce traffic jams, the number of cars in circulation, traffic accidents, noise, release parking spaces and make room for other non-polluting transports. This relates to reduced costs of car ownership, reduced medical costs from fewer accidents, and lower construction costs with a direct impact on the possibility to build more affordable living places.
Above all, sustainable mobility is an alternative and global trend that is transforming the current car ownership model based-on private car usage.
What is the goal of sustainable mobility?
The main objective is to combat climate change and stop global warming by reducing carbon dioxide levels and improving air quality in urban spaces.
Also, citizens have the responsibility to incorporate the habit of moving in transports that prioritize energy efficiency and sustainability.
With that in mind, other important goals can be the following:
- Reduce and minimize the use of the private car.
- Free up parking spaces to become “green” areas.
- Encourage and promote public transport and the use of micro mobility.
- Prioritize non-polluting ways of transport, powered by clean energy.
What other benefits can we mention when betting on sustainable and shared mobility?
Sustainable mobility goes beyond the environmental benefits that we mentioned above, it also implies:
- Promote healthy mobility in all areas. A healthy and sustainable lifestyle is promoted.
- Promote renewable energy and environmental technology enabling energy efficiency.
- Encourage the use of public transport, considering that a bus transports 10 times more people than a car.
- Reduce the number of cars in circulation, reducing road accidents, improving travel times, and collaborating with the ordering of traffic and parking space.
- Cleaner cities and a better quality of life.
- It allows consumers and businesses to be part of a sustainable movement.
In summary, sustainable mobility not only implies a commitment to the environment, but also allows us to have more livable cities and improve the quality-of-life index with greater economic, social, and healthy well-being.
MIRAIICO. Mobility partner to deliver mobility expertise on business development.